Welcome to the Operation Reunite Wiki!

Operation Reunite is an organization which brings about awareness of the Vietnam War and provides support and understanding to approximately 3000 Vietnamese war babies brought to the United States and other countries like the U.K., France and Australia. The organization offers search support and helps you realize what to expect from the Vietnamese culture, language, customs, and family.

Our dream is to link together communities that share a passion for reform and to create a platform for peer sharing. Information about adoption, Amerasian issues, and how to network with Vietnamese communities, can bring our world closer together.

Here are some ideas on how to use this wiki:

  • Organizing a reunion in Vietnam 2010
  • Grant collaboration
  • Bill reform for Amerasians
  • DNA database
  • Search assistance and support while sharing experience strength and hope

Three decades after Operation Babylift … comes Operation Reunite.

Unless otherwise stated, the content of this page is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License